Shipping class: 30mm Dowel Shipping

Ash Dowel

Ash Dowels used for sharpening my curved blades, we found that most wooden dowels sold in the UK are Ramin- a timber sited as associated with orangutan habitat loss, so made the effort to source these instead. Different sizes available.

6mm x 200mm – This should only be used on Nic Westermann Micro spoon blades.
13mm x 250mm- This is best suited to NW Roughing blade.
19mm x 330mm- This is best suited to NW Fawcett and Finishing Blades.
30mm x 330mm- this is best suited to NW 50mm and 65mm Twca Cams.

Although the most suitable dowels for each blades are listed above you can use a smaller dowel for a blade, but not larger, it won’t fit.