Wraparound adjustable table for ProEdge

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Adjustable table for the ProEdge,  363mm x 100mm x 5mm

Out of stock



This table has been designed to fit the Robert Sorby ProEdge. It allows for a wide range of stepped adjustments, the table tilts upwards as opposed to the standard table sold with the machine that tilts downwards. Please watch this video for more detailed instructions. Instructions on the angle setting will be provided.







3 responses to “Wraparound adjustable table for ProEdge”

  1. Stephen Carpenter says:

    Hi, I am about to pull the trigger on the Axminster ultimate edge, but have just come across Your range of jigs which appear to resolve the concerns I have with this type of sharpening system. Do your jigs fit the Axminster or am I better off purchasing the sorby which is cheaper.
    Look forward to your reply.

    • Hewn & Hone Team says:

      I’ve looked over the Axminster version, and concluded that the Pro Edge is a better bet. Whilst being able to change direction is a nice touch it’s not that useful. Variable speed would be good if it went faster then you might want to turn it down occasionally. With the PE it always runs a bit slow in my opinion. If you are burning edges it’s much more likel to be blunt belts or poor work holding than the speed. I’d get the PE!

      • Stephen Carpenter says:

        Thanks for that. I have ordered the PE and your jigs looking forward to their arrival

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